Join Our Team

Join Our Team Today!

Work from anywhere anytime that is good for you. Pick a task, get a deadline, complete the task by the deadline by following the instructions, and get paid the following week! Get paid weekly for all the work you have done the previous week (minimum payout of $50 or 30 days).

Tasks are available upon the needs of our clients – there are weeks with many, many tasks, and there are weeks with few. Tasks are always on a first come first serve basis.

There is a training room that you will gain access to after completing your training. You will be paid for your training task. Contracts are a must, without a contract (which protects you) you will not be able to work tasks for D.R.E.A.M. Construction Inc.

All questions should be directed to

Please note: we may be backed up with work and contractors, and all interested parties will be contacted on a first come-first serve basis.

Work From Home and Get Paid Weekly
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Create a username and password to access the training. Once you complete all tasks on the training you will be able to see the actual tasks on the creator boards. 
